What is Prune (dried plum)?

Prune is a dried plum, commonly known for its health benefits. The prune is native to the Mediterranean region and Turkey, although it is now grown all over the world. Prunes are produced by harvesting plums and then sun-drying them to remove moisture. The decrease in moisture and acidity helps to increase the sweetness of the prune, while preserving important nutrients. Prunes are an excellent source of fiber, iron, magnesium, and potassium. They make an ideal snack, due to the sweetness and healthful nutrients in each bite.

What does Prune (dried plum) taste like?

But what does prune actually taste like? There is certainly a sweetness that defines the prune, but it’s unlike regular plums because the drying process has intensified it. The flavor could also be described as chewy, making it easy to snack on – eat a few and you’ll notice a subtle tartness (which can be further accentuated by adding a bit of lemon juice) that kickstarts the sweetness. Prune is a delicious snack that’s packed with vitamins and minerals – and don’t forget, it’s good for you too!

What dishes do you find Prune (dried plum) in?

Prune (dried plum) is an incredibly versatile ingredient that can be used in a wide variety of dishes, from savory to sweet. Prunes can be cooked into hearty soups and stews, adding a touch of sweetness and depth of flavor. In France, prunes are a key ingredient in ‘Pruneaux d’Agen,’ a traditional concoction made by stewing the plums in Armagnac. For those with a sweet tooth, prunes are a popular choice to make rich and decadent baked goods, including cakes and tarts. Prunes are also often used in the Mediterranean for dishes such as tagine, which is a slow-cooked stew usually made with lamb, prunes, and almonds. No matter how you use them, adding prunes to your cooking adds an interesting sweet and slightly tart flavor to your dishes.