What is Canistel – also called egg fruit?

Canistel, also known as egg fruit, is a sweet, tropical fruit native to Central and Southern Mexico. This rare and exotic fruit has a unique texture and flavor, similar to that of a hard-boiled egg yolk. Canistel has a creamy, custardy texture and a sweet, maple-like flavor. The skin is often yellow-orange in color, and the flesh is bright yellow with a few black seeds. Canistel is typically eaten fresh, or made into milkshakes, smoothies, juices, ice creams, pies, and jams. When ripe, the fruit has a rich, yellow pulp that is slightly sweet and can be used as a topping for desserts. Canistel trees are grown mainly in Central and South America, but can be grown around the world in cooler, temperate climates. With its unique flavor and texture, canistel is an interesting and delicious addition to any fruit salad.

What does Canistel – also called egg fruit taste like?

So, what does canistel – also called egg fruit – taste like? The flesh of this unique fruit has a creamy, custardy texture with a sweet, maple-like flavor. Its rich, yellow pulp tastes slightly sweet and it is often eaten fresh in order to experience its unique flavor. For those looking to explore its taste further, canistel can be made into milkshakes, smoothies, juices, ice creams, pies and jams. No matter how you enjoy it, canistel is sure to bring an interesting and delicious flavor to your meal!

What dishes do you find Canistel – also called egg fruit in?

Canistel – also known as egg fruit – has become increasingly popular for a variety of sweet and savory dishes. It pairs deliciously with other tropical fruits, making it a great addition to fruit salads or smoothies. It also makes a great topping for frozen desserts, like ice cream or frozen yogurt. In salads, it can be diced up and combined with other fruits, or diced in savory dishes as a substitute for sweet potato. For a savory brunch item, egg fruit can be used to make an amazing vegan frittata. Additionally, it can be boiled or stewed to make cupcakes, jams and marmalades. Canistel can even be used to make a sweet wine or refreshing liqueur. With its unique texture and flavor, Canistel – also called egg fruit – is truly a versatile and delicious delicacy worth trying!