What is Atis (Annona Squamosa)?

Atis, or Annona Squamosa, is a tropical fruit native to northern India, Bangladesh, and Southeast Asia. It is typically egg-shaped or round, with a thin skin that can vary in color from deep yellow to brown. The flesh is white, sweet, and creamy, with a few edible seeds inside. Atis is a popular dessert ingredient in many parts of Asia, often used to make sweet drinks, custards, tarts, and ice cream. It’s a versatile and delicious fruit that is perfect for adding a unique flavor and texture to a variety of desserts and dishes. The Atis tree is easy to grow in warm climates, making it a great choice for anyone looking to spruce up their garden with a vibrant and delicious fruit tree.

What does Atis (Annona Squamosa) taste like?

Atis is known for being both sweet and creamy, and it really shines in the dessert recipes it is used in! The flavor could be described as a combination of banana, pumpkin, and custard, making it an interesting and delightful flavor profile. It has a thick texture that is similar to a custard, but it’s not overly heavy or dense. The edible seeds give a crunchy version of texture in your mouth. Whether it’s in a drink, custard, tart, or ice cream, Atis is sure to bring a unique flavor and texture to whatever dish you’re creating!

What dishes do you find Atis (Annona Squamosa) in?

Atis (Annona Squamosa) can be a delicious addition to a variety of dishes from different cultures around the world. Typically the ripe Atis is used in sweet dishes. In India, it is used to make Atis Halwa, a milky sweet dessert cooked in ghee, whilst in Bangladesh it’s used for a dish called Atis Aar Khoi, a type of pudding made with cooked Atis and flavored with coconut and cardamom. In Southeast Asia it can be used to make Atis compote and a sweet Atis soup. The delicious and creamy Atis flesh is also commonly used for cakes, custard, tarts, ice cream, and drinks. With its unique flavor and creamy texture, Atis is a great option to add to a variety of dishes.