What is Monstera deliciosa?

Monstera deliciosa, also known as the Swiss cheese plant, is a species of evergreen vine native to rain forests of Central America. It is an ornamental houseplant prized for its large tropical leaves, frequently adorned with holes that look like slices of Swiss cheese. It is relatively easy to care for and grows quickly, making it a popular choice for starting gardeners. It can be kept indoors all year-round, or grown outdoors in moist, shady environments. In order to achieve optimal growth and best results, Monstera deliciosa needs bright, indirect sunlight and plenty of water. As it matures, it will form aerial roots that can be trained onto a moss pole or lattice in order to promote upright growth. Allowing the soil to dry slightly between waterings will prevent root rot, and providing a humidifier or misting it lightly every once in awhile will help. Monstera deliciosa is an attractive, low-maintenance plant that deserves a place in any budding or experienced gardener’s collection.

What does Monstera deliciosa taste like?

Have you ever wondered what a Monstera deliciosa tastes like? While not your average snack food, this tropical plant can in fact be eaten, and its unique flavor has earned it the nickname “Fruit Salad Plant” in some parts of the world. If you choose to remove the skin of ripe Monstera fruit, you will find a sweet-tart, custardy flesh that tastes like a combination of pineapple, banana, and papaya. Due to the popularity of the Monstera deliciosa as a houseplant, the chances of finding ripe fruit in supermarkets and specialty stores is quite low. However, if you chance upon some ripe fruit, don’t pass up on this delicious taste sensation!

What dishes do you find Monstera deliciosa in?

Monstera deliciosa is often sought for its flavorful fruit and its young leafy greens, which are used raw or cooked. In Southeast Asia, the unripe fruits of Monstera deliciosa are a popular snack known as “nick Huh” or “nam don” in Thai, while in Colombia, a cooked dish is made by adding small cubes of cheese and cooked parts of the plant. In Mexico, Monstera deliciosa is used in tacos and condiments. It is also popular in Puerto Rico, where the leafy greens are added to soups and stews and the fruit is used to flavor drinks. Additionally, Monstera deliciosa is widely used in smoothies, juices, salads, and other recipes. Regardless of the recipe, Monstera deliciosa is sure to add a unique flavor to any dish!