What is Tamarillo?

Tamarillo is an increasingly popular tropical fruit that is native to areas of Central and South America, as well as some parts of Africa. A relative of the tomato, a tamarillo looks similar to an egg-shaped tomato and can range in color from yellow to dark red, with a slightly tart taste. Tamarillos are most often eaten raw, although it can be used in cooking and baking. When grown in the proper climate and soil, they are easy to care for and harvest can begin as early as six months after planting. Tamarillos are also an excellent source of dietary fiber and vitamins A and C, making them a healthy and delicious choice for any meal.

What does Tamarillo taste like?

When it comes to the flavor of a tamarillo, you can expect a unique and tart experience. The taste has been likened to that of a tomato, but with a slight sweetness. Some people even compare the taste to a combination of strawberries and tomatoes. Raw tamarillos tend to have a stronger flavor, so if you want a sweeter taste, try cooking or baking them. However you decide to prepare them, you can rest assured knowing you will be getting a delicious and nutritious treat.

What dishes do you find Tamarillo in?

Tamarillos can be used in a variety of dishes around the world, adding a unique flavor and health benefits to traditional recipes. In many Latin American countries, tamarillos are blended into a sauce or soup, resulting in a spicy and flavorful dish that’s full of antioxidants. Tamarillos can also be used as a topping for desserts, such as cakes and pies, as well as a garnish for salads and other savory dishes. In Asian cuisine, tamarillos might be found incorporated into chutney or cooked into casseroles. Whatever cuisine you’re making, tamarillos add a unique flavor and plenty of health benefits.